Rabu, 04 Juni 2014


wednesday, 3 June 2014

Management Information System - Assignment


Well, I want to share to all of you about my group and individual " Management Information System " assignment that includes:

1. Research Journal about JOURNAL  Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Factors influencing the adoption of internet banking: An integration of TAM and TPB with perceived risk and perceived benefit
for Ms. Word download.
for Ms. Power Point download

2. Resume of Laudon Chapter 12 ENHANCING DECISION MAKING
for Ms. Word download.
for Ms. Power Point download for full verison.

Thank you.

Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Tugas Management Informasi Sistem


Group 12 
member of group :
- Nadia            ( C1L012003)
- Khaterine       (C1L012033)
- Theresia         ( C1L012053)

Berikut ini adalah Tugas Meringkas Jurnal ke 12

Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Factors influencing the adoption of internet banking: An integration of TAM and TPB with perceived risk and perceived benefit

Members Group :
-         Nadia Mutiara                       (C1L012003)
-         Katherine Handayani U.        (C1L012033)
-         Theresia Yulinda P                 (C1L012053)


Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

      I.            BACKGROUND
because during the last decade of online banking is the most beneficial thing the application of e - commerce and some previous research projects have focused on factors that impact on the adoption of information technology or the Internet , there is limited empirical work which simultaneously captures the success factors ( positive factors ) and resistance factors ( negative factor ) that helps customers to adopt online banking . it explores and integrates the various advantages of online banks to form a positive factor named perceived benefit . In addition , images of perceived risk theory , five specific aspects of risk - financial , security / privacy , performance , social and time risk - are synthesized with perceived benefit and integrated with the technology acceptance model ( TAM ) and theory of planned behavior ( TPB ) model to propose a theoretical model to explain intention to use online banking customers . such as online shopping , online auctions ,Internet stock trading and so on .                                                                                                                                   However , despite the fact that online banking provides many advantages , such as faster transaction speed and lower handling costs However , despite the fact that online banking offers many benefits , such as faster transaction speed and lower handling costs still exists a large group of customers who refuse to adopt such services because of uncertainty and security issues of these factors ere said to be interesting because of the globalization of the world everyone is always menginginkna more pratice and simple , without the need for complicated when kebank queue example , the presence of certain online traksasi masyarakyat much benefit as this . were becoming subject matter of security in online transactions is sometimes considered to be safe , because it uses the engine and sometimes mistakes can happen


            Since TAM and TPB has been used in many  research to predict and understand user perceptions of the use of the system and the possibility of adopting their system, the right tools to understand the adoption of online banking. This study proposes to integrate the five aspects listed above are considered risk with TAM and TPB to provide a more omprehensive evaluation model and the adoption of online banking, includes both negative (perceived risk) and positive factors (Perceived benefits) simultaneously. This research can provide an improved understanding of risk perception practitioner customers which can then be used to develop strategies to reduce the risk and trust building mechanisms to encourage the adoption of online trading. especially in the emerging area of e-payment.


1. To determine whether the perceived risks and benefits are significantly
     the impact of behavioral intention to use online banking customers
2. To clarify the factors more influential in affecting
    the decision to use online banking.
3. To evaluate whether integration of TAM with TPB giving
    solid theoretical basis to examine the adoption of online banking.


The new online banking has come to be regarded as one of the
method is the most effective banking Online banking has recently come to be regarded as one of the methods most effective banking transactions . because it has a lot of advantages that offline banking channels can not offer . Thus , online banking managers aim to exploit this advantage to increase the rate of adoption of online banking .Based to some extent with the reasons offered , there two main types of perceived benefits , which can be categorized
advantages as direct and indirect . Gain immediate and tangible benefits directly refer that customers will enjoy using online banking . For example , customers can benefit from a wider range of financial gain , faster transaction speeds , and increase transparency of information . First , the broader financial gain including lower transaction handling costs , higher deposits rate , the chance to win prizes and bonus extra credit cards points . Second , faster transaction speeds obviously means that time can be saved because online banking is not necessary paper documents , processing which can lead to errors and delays , and who also need more personnel . Automate online banking this process by mediating transactions through the website and electronic data interchange , and also can reduce the need for customers to communicate with the staff of the bank regarding the transaction details because they can be obtained on the website . Third , during the transactions , online banking allows customers to monitor contract performance at any time , or to confirm an automatic delivery .
In other words , more relevant information is immediately
available and transparent to the customer

Ê  Teori apa yang digunakan:
ú  Jelaskan isi teori (apa & bagaimana?)
2.3. Technology acceptance model
TAM is an adaptation of the theory of reasoned action (TRA) by
Fishbein and Ajzen (1975)and was mainly designed for modeling
user acceptance of information technology (Davis et al., 1989). This
model hypothesizes that system use is directly determined by
behavioral intention to use, which is in turn influenced by users’
attitudes toward using the system and the perceived usefulness
of the system. Attitudes and perceived usefulness are also affected
by perceived ease of use.
2.4. Theory of planned behavior
The TPB underlying the effort of TRA has been proven successful in predicting and explaining human behavior across various
information technologies (Ajzen, 2002, 1991). According to TPB,
a person’s actual behavior in performing certain actions is directly
influenced by his or her behavioral intention and, in turn, is jointly
determined by his or her attitude, subjective norms and perceived
behavioral controls toward performing the behavior. Behavioral
intention is a measure of the strength of one’s willingness to exert
effort while performing certain behaviors.

ú  Berikan argumen mengapa teori tsb relevan utk riset ini?
Technology acceptance model relevan because can help to
The appeal of this model lies in that it is both specific
and parsimonious and displays a high level prediction power of
technology use. These determinants are also easy for system developers to understand and can be specifically considered during system requirement analysis and other system development stages.These factors are common in technology-usage settings and can
be applied widely to solve the acceptance problem , and Theory of planned behavior relevan because can help to Furthermore, a favorable or unfavorable attitude directly influences the strength of the behavior and beliefs
regarding the likely outcome.
In sum, grounded on the effort of TRA, TPB is proposed to eliminate the limitations of the original model in dealing with behavior over which people have
incomplete volitional control
Ê  Berbagai Konsep:
ú  Apa, bagaimana dan mengapa?
What ? The use of concept is upon two primary research streams, information technology (IT) adoption theory and perceived risk theory, to develop this study’s research model and associated hypotheses.
How ? Recently, a growing body of research has focused on integrating them to examine IT usage and e-service acceptance because the two models are complementary, and the results have showed that the integration model had better exploratory power than the individual use of TAM and TPB
Why ? Since the focus of this study is online banking service adoption, which is an instance of acceptance of innovative technology intertwined with social systems and personal characteristics, the integration of TAM and TPB for our research framework should be comprehensive in order to examine the consumers’ intentions towards, and acceptance of, online banking.
Ê  Telaah Riset Sebelumnya
ú  Jelaskan urut tahun (apa yang sudah diteliti, dimana, bagaimana dan hasilnya apa)
We drew upon two primary research streams, information technology (IT) adoption theory and perceived risk theory, to develop this study’s research model and associated hypotheses. Over the past decade, TAM and TPB have been widely applied to examine IT usage and e-service acceptance (Davis, 1993; Hsu, 2004; Hsu and et al., 2006). However, neither TAM nor TPB have been found to provide consistently superior explanations or behavioral predictions (Chen et al., 2007). Recently, a growing body of research has focused on integrating them to examine IT usage and e-service acceptance because the two models are complementary, and the results have showed that the integration model had better exploratory power than the individual use of TAM and TPB (Bosnjak et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2007; Wu and Chen, 2005). Since the focus of this study is online banking service adoption, which is an instance of acceptance of innovative technology intertwined with social systems and personal characteristics, the integration of TAM and TPB for our research framework should be comprehensive in order to examine the consumers’ intentions towards, and acceptance of, online banking. There are 12 constructs in our model, which includes perceived ease of use, perceived benefit, performance risk, financial risk, time risk, social risk and security risk as independent variables, perceived usefulness, attitude, subjective norm

ú  Apa kelemahan riset tersebut?
Theory of Technology Acceptance Model
Each of these can be
described as follows :
1 . Theory TAM does not accommodate the role of everyone around them in influencing the attitudes and behavior of individuals . Whereas in the various studies psychology , individual behavior is influenced by the behavior of others around him . Psychological concepts such as conformity and social influence ( Latane , 1981) proceed from the assumption that a person's behavior is strongly influenced by the behavior and the presence of other people .
2 . Existence of individual differences in behavior ( individual differences) . In Psychology proved decisive nature of individual behavior. The presence of psychological tests ( cognitive and personality ) and its application in life is evidence of individual differences . The differences may stem from differences in cognitive abilities , personality traits and values ​​espoused governance .
3 . Theory TAM does not consider the role of the ability of each person to realize his wish .deficiency theory of planned behavior adalalah The basic assumption of the TPB is a lot of behavior is not under complete control of everything that needs to be individualized ditambakan perceived behavioral control concept .

Deficiency Theory Of Planned Behavior adalalah The basic assumption of the TPB is a lot of behavior is not under complete control of everything that needs to be individualized ditambakan perceived behavioral control concept .

Ê  Kerangka Pemikiran Teoritis dan Perumusan Hipotes

ú  Gambar/Deskripsikan kerangka pemikiran teoritis yang digunakan

There are 12 constructs in our model, which includes perceived ease of use, perceived benefit, performancen  risk, financial risk, time risk, social risk and security risk as independent variables, perceived usefulness, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control as intervening variables, and intention to use as the dependent variable. We will test the strength of the hypothesized relationships embedded in the theoretical model and the robustness of the model in predicting customers’ intention to adopt online banking in the Taiwan business environment. The theoretical model is graphically presented in Figgure.
ú  Apakah rumusan hipotesisnya (jika ada)


Desain Riset or Study

1.      Research Model

A.     Hypothesis Development
·        Hypothesis about TAM and TPB
As TAM and TPB are used as the base models, we need to test the following TAM and TPB hypotheses in the context of online banking adoption. Hypotheses 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 are proposed based on TAM as discussed in Section 2.2 while hypotheses 3 and 4 based on TPB as described in Section 2.3.
H1: Perceived usefulness positively influences the intention to use online banking.
H2: Attitude positively influences the intention to use online banking.
H3: Subjective norm has positively influences the intention to use online banking.
H4: Perceived behavior control positively influences the intention to use online banking.
H5: Perceived usefulness positively influences attitudes towards the use of online banking.
H6: Perceived ease of use positively influences attitudes towards the use of online banking.
H7: Perceived ease of use positively influences the perceived usefulness of the use of online banking.
·        Hypothesis Regarding Performance Risk
The performance risk refers to losses incurred by deficiency or malfunction of online banking websites. Therefore, it follows that:
 H8a: Performance risk negatively influences the perceived usefulness of using online banking.
H8b: Performance risk negatively influences attitudes towards the use of online banking.
·        Hypothesis Regarding Financial Risk
Financial risk refers to the potential for monetary loss due to transaction errors or bank account misuse. Accordingly, the following hypotheses are proposed:
H9a: Financial risk negatively influences attitudes towards the use of online banking.
H9b: Financial risk negatively influences intentions towards the use of online banking.
·        Hypothesis Regarding Social Risk
Based on these studies, it is reasonable to expect that social risk could negatively
influence customers’ attitude to use online banking. Thus, it follows that:
H10a: Social risk negatively influences attitudes towards the use of online banking.
And consumers are likely to believe that referents would approve less of their purchasing the
H10b: Social risk negatively influences the subjective norm regarding the use of online banking.
·        Hypothesis About Time / Convenience Risk
Hypothesized that:
H11: Time risk negatively influences attitudes towards the use of internet banking.
·        Hypothesis About Security / Privacy Risks
Security risk is a significant impediment to the adoption of online banking. It is therefore hypothesized that:
H12a: Security/privacy risk negatively influences attitude towards the use of online banking.
H12b: Security/privacy risk negatively influences intentions to use online banking.
·        Hypothesis about Perceived Benefit
Therefore, it is reasonable to infer that perceived benefits positively influence user attitude and intention to adopt online banking, and we hypothesized
H13: Perceived benefit has a positive effect on attitude to use online banking.
H14: Perceived benefit has a positive effect on intention to use online banking.

2.      Reaserch Method
a.      Data Colletive
This online survey, which yielded 446 responses, was conducted for one month, with incomplete responses and missing values deleted, resulting in a sample size of 368 users for an overall response rate of 83%. Sample demographics are depicted in Table 2. Fifty-eight percent of the respondents were male and 42% were female. The majority of respondents (61%) were over 30 years old. About 69% of the respondents did not have experience using online banking. Finally, the education levels of respondents were 62.5% college and 13.6% high school.
b.      Measurement development
This part of questionnaire was used to collect basic information about respondents’ characteristics including gender, age, education, occupation, and experience using online banking.

3.      Result
In analyzing the collected data, we followed the two-step procedure suggested by Anderson and Gerbing (1988). First, we examined the measurement model to measure convergent and discriminant validity. Then, we examined the structural model to investigate the strength and direction of the relationships among the theoretical constructs.
a.      Analysis of the measurement model
We evaluated the measurement scales using the three criteria suggested by Fornell and Larcker (1981).
(1) All indicator factor loading (k) should be significant and exceed 0.5.
(2) Construct reliabilities should exceed 0.8.
(3) Average variance extracted (AVE) by each construct should exceed the variance due to measurement error for the construct (e.g. AVE should exceed 0.5).
b.      Multicollinearity
A threshold VIF that is less than or equal to 10 (i.e. tolerance >0.1) is commonly suggested (Asher, 1983; Hair and et al., 1998). The VIFs for PU, PEOU and attitude were 9.23, 7.22, and 9.21, respectively, in predicting intention, providing further evidence against multicollinearity.
c.       Analysis of the structural model
The results of structuralequation modeling obtained for the proposed conceptual model revealed a ratio of chi-square to the degree of freedom (v2/df) of 2.04 (p < 0.001), goodness-of-fit index (GFI) of 0.91, adjusted goodness-of-fit index (AGFI) of 0.85 comparative fit index (CFI) of 0.95, normed fit index (NFI) of 0.95, relative fit index (RFI) of 0.94, and root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) of 0.05 (see Fig. 2). Generally, fit statistics greater than or equal to 0.9 for GFI, NFI, RFI, and CFI indicate a good model fit (Bagozzi et al., 1991; Hair and et al., 1998). Furthermore, RMSEA values ranging from 0.05 to 0.08 are acceptable (Hair and et al., 1998); therefore, the RMSEA suggested that our model fit was acceptable. Other fit indices, except AGFI, indicated that our proposed model obtained an adequate model fit. Low AGFI statistics may have resulted from the small sample size used.

d.      Hypothesis Testing
Intention to use Internet banking in this study was jointly predicted by PU (b = 0.21, Standardized path coefficient, p < 0.05), perceived benefit (b = 0.32, p < 0.05), attitude (b = 0.25, p < 0.01), perceived behavior control (b = 0.12, p < 0.05), financial risk (b = 0.26, p < 0.05), security risk (b = 0.35, p < 0.05) and subjective norm (b = 0.13, p < 0.05) and these variables together explained 80% of the variance of intention to use (R2 = 0.80, coefficient of determination). As a result, Hypotheses 1, 2, 3, 4, 9a, and 12b were all supported. Attitude was predicted by PU (b = 0.29, p < 0.01), PEOU (b = 0.35, p < 0.05), financial risk (b = 0.21, p < 0.01), time risk (b = 0.13, p < 0.05), performance risk (b = 0.11, p < 0.05), and security risk (b = 0.29, p < 0.01). Together these variables explained 76% of the total variance. These findings validated Hypotheses 5, 6, 8b, 9a, 11, and 12a respectively. Social risk (b = 0.78, p < 0.001) significantly influenced subjective norm while explaining 61% of the total variance in subjective norm. Accordingly, Hypothesis 10b was supported. Time risk (b = 0.13, p < 0.05) significantly influenced attitude. Consequently, Hypothesis 11 was supported. Both performance risk (b = 0.17, p < 0.001) and PEOU (b = 0.81, p < 0.001) significantly influenced PU and jointly explained 68% of the total variance in PU. As a result, Hypotheses 7 and 8a were supported. Social risk (b = 0.02, p > 0.05) did not significantly affect attitude. Hence, Hypotheses 10a was not supported.


Definition and Measurement of Variables
Implies variable size or characteristic possessed by members of a different group to those of the other groups. Another understanding that the variable is something that is used as a characteristic, trait or measure owned or acquired by a unit of study about something specific concepts.
Variable measurement is the process of determining the amount or intensity of information about people, events, ideas, and or a particular object and its relationship with the business problem or opportunity.
In other words, using the measurement process is to assign a number or a table of the characteristics or attributes of an object, or any kind of phenomena or events using certain rules which indicate the amount and or quality of the factors studied.

The population in this study is the overall TAM and TPB.

The sampling process is done by sorting the population based forces first, then after it was taken respondents  random. With these methods it is certain that the sample will illustrate significantly the actual population.

-         Sampling
is a part of the population to be observed; viewed as an estimate of the population, but not the population itself. Regarded as a representative sample of the results are representative of the overall population of the symptoms observed. The size and diversity of the sample into deciding whether or not the samples were taken. There are two ways of sampling, ie at random (random)/probability and random (non-random) / non-probability. This online survey, which yielded 446 responses, was conducted for one month, with incomplete responses and missing values deleted, resulting in a sample size of 368 users for an overall response rate of 83%. Sample demographics are depicted in Table 2. Fifty-eight percent of the respondents were male and 42% were female. The majority of respondents (61%) were over 30 years old. About 69% of the respondents did not have experience using online banking. Finally, the education levels of respondents were 62.5% college and 13.6% high school

-         Instrument Research
Is a tool used in research to collect the data. in this case study uses multiple electronics that can connect online internet banking.

-         Test Quality Data
The study measured the variables using a questionnaire instrument should be tested against the quality of the data obtained. This test aims to determine whether the instruments used valid and reliable because the accuracy of data that is processed will determine the quality of research results.

Hasil Riset
Overall clearly the strength of our research models has a square-PPA 80% for intention to use online banking and 76% PPA-square for the attitude towards online banking, suggests that the extended TAM model with TPB. able to explain the relatively high proportion of the variation in intention to adopt online banking.
a.       Implikasi Manajerial
Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan beberapa isu penting terkait dengan niat pelanggan terhadap perbankan online yang belum telah ditangani oleh penelitian sebelumnya. Pertama, meskipun keduanya dianggap manfaat dan risiko memiliki pengaruh signifikan pada niat, studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa yang terakhir adalah faktor yang lebih berpengaruh, menyiratkan bahwa mengendalikan risiko perbankan online adalah lebih penting daripada memberikan manfaat. 
b.      Implikasi akademis
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan teori baru dengan mendasarkan variabel baru dalam integrasi dari dua sekolah model struktur nomological (TRA) dan menerapkan mereka ke dalam konteks baru. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa kedua variabel baru - manfaat yang dirasakan dan risiko - yang kompatibel dengan variabel TAM dan TPB yang telah ditempatkan dalam kerangka TRA (Davis, 1989). di mana resiko keamanan memiliki efek negatif terbesar (b = 0,35), sedangkan manfaat yang dirasakan memiliki efek positif kuat (b = 0,32). Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko memberikan sebuah efek yang lebih kuat pada keputusan pelanggan.

Keterbatasan riset
The first risk research in security systems ,This underlines the fact that concerns about fraud and identity theft are foremost in the minds of Internet users .
The second risk is the financial risk also has a significant negative effect . that the difficulty in using the online system becomes less of a concern because they are more user-friendly . In addition , because the online system more general and current standards ,the public has become increasingly competent in their use .

Third , the results indicate that the risk of performance has a significant negative effect on perceived benefits damage site can increase the willingness consumers to conduct online transactions .

The findings revealed that all four social risk attitudes influence is not significant . This indicates that customers are not pedulitentang social pressure from friends / family / work groups with regard to their online banking .

Fifth , the study found that the risk of time / convenience of having a negative effect on attitudes toward intention to adopt online banking . This means that online banking users may be concerned about delays in receiving payments online and may be concerned with the length of time involved in waiting for a website or learn how to operate it .

Ê  Saran untuk riset selanjutnya
Suggestions for further research
Advice for first risk is the risk that a security system is providing strong encryption and authentication to prevent fraud and identity theft should be a priority in this field.

Suggestions for a second risk is the risk of the financial sector in the system is this may explain why many customers resisted adopting online banking.

Suggestions for third risk is the risk of field performance in such systems is to minimize the risk of damage to the site can increase the willingness of consumers to conduct online transactions.

Suggestions for a fourth risk is the risk of the social field in the system are mengopmilalkan social norms can significantly determine the intention to use in the context of mandatory-use internet online social network.

Suggestions for the fifth risk is the risk in the field of time / convenience in the system is to reduce the possibility of late payments and the waiting time is an important issue for service providers online banking.

Ê  Jika topik artikel ini akan anda jadikan topik skripsi, judul apa yang sesuai?
“ Model Behavior The use of IT (information technology ') In System  Online-Based Information Integration Methods Tam and TPB’’


Berikut ini adalah Tugas Meringkas PPT (presentasi power point) Management Information System.

Chapter 12

Members Group :
-         Nadia Mutiara                       (C1L012003)
-         Katherine Handayani U.        (C1L012033)
-         Theresia Yulinda P                 (C1L012053)

  Resume Chapter 12
This chapter focuses on the information systems that support decision-making in a firm and discusses the value of improved decision-making in an organization. Such as What are the different types of decisions and how does the decision-making process work? How do information systems support the activities of managers and management decision making? How do business intelligence and business analytics support decision making?How do different decision-making constituencies in an organization use business intelligence? What is the role of information systems in helping people working in a group make decisions more efficiently?                                                                             Business analytics software to analyze patterns in sales data, create pricing profiles and buyer profiles for different regions, locales, even times of day, Demonstrates the use of business intelligence and analysis systems to improve sales and profits, Illustrates how information systems improve decision making , it means that to take the decision making the company must be have good management information system to Improving hundreds of thousands of “small” decisions adds up to large annual value for the business and type of decision making such as :
Unstructured: Decision maker must provide judgment, evaluation, and insight to solve problem
Structured: Repetitive and routine; involve definite procedure for handling so they do not have to be treated each time as new
Semistructured: Only part of problem has clear-cut answer provided by accepted procedure


There is 3 level of managerial  :
      Senior managers:
     Make many unstructured decisions
     E.g.  Should we enter a new market?
      Middle managers:
     Make more structured decisions but these may include unstructured components
     Why is order fulfillment report showing decline in Minneapolis?
      Operational managers, rank and file employees
     Make more structured decisions
     E.g.  Does customer meet criteria for credit?


After we know the type of decision making ,
 this 4 stages of the decision making process :
·        Intelligence
Discovering, identifying, and understanding the problems occurring in the organization
·        Design
Identifying and exploring solutions to the problem
·        Choice
Choosing among solution alternatives
·        Implementation
Making chosen alternative work and continuing to monitor how well solution is working


This 5 functions :
Planninng ,  organizing, coordinating, deciding, and controlling

More contemporary behavioral models  :
Actual behavior of managers appears to be less systematic, more informal, less reflective, more reactive, and less well organized than in classical model


                                                10 managerial roles

·        Interpersonal roles    
1.      Figurehead
2.      Leader
3.      Liaison
·        Informational roles
4.      Nerve center
5.      Disseminator
6.      Spokesperson
·        Decisional roles
7.      Entrepreneur
8.      Disturbance handler
9.      Resource allocator
10.  Negotiator

 Three main reasons why investments in information technology do not always produce positive results :
·        Information quality
High-quality decisions require high-quality information
·        Management filters
Managers have selective attention and have variety of biases that reject information that does not conform to prior conceptions
·        Organizational inertia and politics
Strong forces within organizations resist making decisions calling for major change


The concept of business intelligence and analytics. The text gives the example of Hallmark Cards, which uses SAS analytics software to  analyze buying patterns and determine the most effective marketing plan for different types of customers. For example, which customers would respond best to direct mail or email, and to what types of messages. It is important to understand that business intelligence and business analytics are products defined by hardware and software vendors. This is also one of the fastest growing segments in the U.S. software environment. Ask students why this might be so.


Six elements in the business intelligence environment
·        Data from the business environment
·        Business intelligence infrastructure
·        Business analytics toolset
·        Managerial users and methods
·        Delivery platform – MIS, DSS, ESS
·        User interface


Business intelligence and analytics capabilities
Goal is to deliver accurate real-time information to decision-makers
Main functionalities of BI systems
      Production reports
      Parameterized reports
      Ad hoc query/search/report creation
      Drill dowN Forecasts, scenarios, models
Examples of BI applications
 Predictive analytics
      Use patterns in data to predict future behavior
      E.g. Credit card companies use predictive analytics to determine customers at risk for leaving           
Data visualization
      Help users see patterns and relationships that would be difficult to see in text lists
Geographic information systems (GIS)
      Ties location-related data to maps


Management strategies for developing BI and BA capabilities
Two main strategies
1.      One-stop integrated solution
     Hardware firms sell software that run optimally on their hardware
     Makes firm dependent on single vendor – switching costs
2.      Multiple best-of-breed solution
     Greater flexibility and independence
     Potential difficulties in integration
     Must deal with multiple vendors
Operational and middle managers
     Monitor day to day business performance
     Make fairly structured decisions
     Use MIS
“Super user” and business analysts
     Use more sophisticated analysis
     Create customized reports
     Use DSS